Monday, April 6, 2015

Two Truths and a Lie

Happy Monday!

I hope you enjoyed the Easter weekend (hopefully yours was a long weekend like mine, with just as wonderful weather)! I got to spend the weekend with my adorably sweet niece Avia, my husband, sister, brother-in-law, and Saturday with my extended family. It was great!

Today I wanted to play a little game with you called "Two Truths and a Lie."  I'll post three things - two of them are  true, and one is a lie. Can you guess which one is the lie? Take a stab at it in the comments!

1.  In second grade, I got a day of in-school-suspension for something I was framed for.

2.  I used to sleep on the floor outside of closed a dog.

3.  When I go in bathrooms with a shower curtain, I always look for burglers behind the curtain.

What do you think?

Until next time - -


  1. This is so funny, I was going to post something like this tomorrow! I'm guessing number 2 is the lie!

    1. Ha! Great minds :) Check in tomorrow to see if you're right...

  2. I'm going to say 1 is the lie.

  3. I love funny! I want to do one soon. So...I'm gonna say #1 is the lie?? :)

    1. You'll find out tomorrow :) I'd love to take a guess at yours!
