
Friday, February 20, 2015

Link Up: Valentine's Goodies Swap

Good morning!

This morning I am participating in a link-up with Carly from Musings of a Wanderer and Bella from Bella and the City to show you the Valentine's goodies I got from the bloggers swap they organized!

Can I just start by saying how fun this was? I thought getting a card or letter in the mail was fun! (which it is) But a package of goodies, bought and made just for me? It was easily the highlight of my week!

My swap was with Chelsea from Not a Passing Fancy. Take a minute to check out her blog. Isn't she the sweetest?? She is also very talented!

Without further delay, check out the goodies in my box from Chelsea!

Doesn't it all look fun!?

First, I want to point out the yellow door she painted with watercolors and framed (picture below). Isn't that amazing? I love that she took the thing my blog centers around and made it into a beautiful piece of art. It's now proudly being displayed in my "office" by my computer. I love it!

Also in this picture is a Skinny Girl nutrition bar that I am definitely taking to work next week for my mid-morning snack.

This next picture shows the #MUGLIFE coffee mug she sent. I love coffee, and I have a weird love of cute coffee mugs. This one has quickly made its way up on my "favorites" list! (by the way, check out the awesome "Mug Life" project here. How cool and creative!)

Also pictured is EOS lip balm (which a gal can never, ever have too much of), some chewy, gluten and GMO free caramels by Lovey Candy Co. 

You can see another handmade gift in this next picture. It's a tin heart on a yellow string, with the quote "Let all that you do be done in love." I love having this hanging on my refrigerator, where it's seen morning and night! 

Can you spot a gift here for little Piper? Yep, Chelsea sent her a tiny pink collar! It adjusts really easily (which cannot be said for all collars) and is so girly. Piper actually sat very still for a change to try it on, and pranced around in her new "necklace" like she was modeling. It was pretty cute!

Check out the adorable card, too. She thinks I'm a gem! ;)

And you may spot another gift for Piper...some homemade Valentine's Day treats! Piper was so thankful not to be left out. Plus, she really likes food. That's why her foster family nicknamed her "Chubs." Ha! A girl after my own heart.

The last item you probably saw in each picture was a handmade yarn pom-pom garland. I am so touched at the time she put into this gift! I have this currently draped on a large frame on our living room wall. I'm excited to use it for holidays in particular, and incorporating fun colors into it!

Now, just for fun, here is Piper with her gifts:

"Piper, you got presents!"

THANK YOU so much Chelsea for all of the time and thought you put into this goodie swap! We love everything and appreciate it very much :)

Until next time - - 


  1. Oh my gosh that stuff is adorable! So glad you could join us! :)

    1. Thank you for organizing! It was super fun :)

  2. Oh em gee!! Your doggie is so adorable!!

    How thoughtful for her to draw a painting for you. So sweet. Thanks for joining us! <3

    1. Thank you! We're biased, but think she's pretty cute :) I LOVE the painting - isn't that sweet!? Thank you for getting it organized, I really enjoyed it!

  3. Looks like you got some great stuff! And Piper seems to enjoy her's, too!

  4. Oh my gosh! You got so many thoughtful gifts. I love that painting of the yellow door. Super awesome!

    1. Isn't that awesome!? I love it so much! She really did a wonderful job :)
