
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Laundry Room Art: Single Socks

Happy Hump Day!

First, thank you to everyone who left sweet comments on Monday's post regarding my aunt's passing. Your words, prayers, and emails meant so much to me! I feel so lucky to have such caring friends, readers, and fellow bloggers.

So today I wanted to share adorable printables designed by Marielle at The Resplendent that I discovered via my Real Simple email. 

She has shared 4 FREE printables that you can print, frame, and hang in your laundry room. Just glue some clothes pins to the frame and VOILA! You have a place for those mysterious single socks to wait for their perfect mates. 

I'm going to print and frame the one in the picture below - which one will you choose? Just click HERE to view the others and to download.

Aren't they clever!?

Until next time - - 


  1. I saw a similar one before that said, "Currently Seeking Sole Mate" hahaha I love puns. These are all cute though. So witty.

  2. Replies
    1. Right!? I can't wait to get one up in my house :)

  3. I love free printables! Have you seen Danielle Burkleo's? ( and I'm praying for you and your fam :)

    1. No! I will totally check them out. I'm a sucker for a good printable! :)
      Thanks for your continued prayers - it means so much!

  4. Free printables are the best! This is such a cute idea!

    1. Right!? I love them so much. I just wish I could make them myself!
