
Friday, March 18, 2016

Guess who's back, back again...

Well, well. If it isn't little 'ol me again.

Where have I been? Let me just start by saying that life has been busy

I stepped away from this blog back in October (FIVE months ago!) and took a breath. A long breath. Things were busy, I was short on time and energy, and I had to prioritize. 

In addition, this blog of mine had started to become somewhat of a burden to me. It sounds crazy now, but at the time, I was putting pressure on myself to post consistently, to write what people wanted to read, and to recruit sponsors - none of those things encompassed why I started this blog in the first place! I had lost my purpose for this blog, which was to find a way to communicate things I enjoy, things happening in my life, and to connect with others. 


Since taking my blogging break, I've come to recognize these things and realize that I need to start writing again for me. Though that may sound selfish, isn't that the point of a hobby?

So - let me catch you up a bit.

I have a new job! Previously, I was working at a 200 attorney firm in the Carolinas in Business Development. Much of my job included event planning and execution. A couple of weeks ago, I left that firm (very bittersweet!) to begin working as a consultant at Society 54, a professional services consulting firm. Much of my work is similar to what I did before, with less focus on events and more writing than I had been doing. I am working from home, so the flexibility is wonderful, and I adore the people I get to work with. Of course, I miss those I got to see and work with each day at my old firm - they had become like family over the past 6 years - but I felt this was a great opportunity with a lot of room to grow and learn. I am truly loving it!

Sweet Piper is also loving my new job because she gets to play all day long! She's exhausted at night, and gets a lot more exercise. Win, win!

And Spencer? He's such a trooper. He was very supportive of me taking this new opportunity, even though it meant changes on his part (and in our budget). Have I ever mentioned how great he is? Maybe once...or twice...

That's my big news! As you can imagine and/or relate to, a new job is a huge change for everyone involved. Things are new, exciting, and less stressful. I look forward to getting back to this blog (but I am not committing to a schedule this time!).

Thanks for your patience, support, and for sticking around during my absence.

Until next time - - 


  1. Good for you Morgan!! So proud of you and excited to hear about the new gig :)

  2. So many new changes in your life. I am coming back from my break too. I can't wait to see what you come up in the future..
