
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Product Review: Orijen Angus Beef Dog Treats

I received a free package of Orijen Angus Beef Dog Treats from in exchange for writing an honest review of the product on my blog. I received no additional compensation in exchange for writing this review, and all opinions are honest and my own (well, and Piper's).

Recently I received this package in the mail, and Piper seemed pretty indifferent.

When I opened the box and she saw this bag, her interest was slightly piqued. In fact, she began to jump up and down, trying to get a good whiff. 

She's smart - obviously these were not for me. In true Piper form, she began to sit and lie down and shake her paw, all tricks we have her do before getting treats, without any prompting from me. So naturally, I put them back in the box so I could surprise her with them. 

When she lost interest, I decided to pull them back out. Here is a video of her reaction. She was slightly unsure at first - these treats were a different shape and texture than any she has had before. Take a look at her first reactions:

She definitely came around. She begged for 2 more after that, which I might have given into. Maybe...(c'mon, that face!).

After I refused to continue shelling them out to her, she began to lick the carpet and sniff around for any tract of crumbs. That or she just thought I needed help cleaning up, but since that is extremely out of character, I'm sticking with my crumb-theory.

"Mmmm, tasty!"

"More, please!"

Needless to say, Piper is a fan! And if Piper is a fan, I am a fan. Plus, I like to know the ingredients of what my fur-baby eats. These treats are 100% free-range beef - no other ingredients. They're ok for any dogs on corn, wheat, and/or soy free diets, they contain no GMO, and no grains. They are also safe for all breeds and all ages. It's sort of like having your cake and eating it, too! (Mmmm, cake. Four more days!)

You can purchase these treats here, and feel free to browse around as well while you're at it! I receive zero compensation if you click those links and/or make a purchase. Just thought you and your fur-baby would love these, too!

Until next time - - 


  1. I'm so glad Piper liked them! She's such a cute little girl and it did look like she enjoyed them. I need more treats designed for small dogs. I'm tired of always having to break the treats up into little pieces.

    1. I know what you mean! These were a great option since they're small. We also have used training treats for awhile, even though she's mostly trained. She just loves them, and they're small!

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