
Friday, August 28, 2015

21 Day Sugar Detox: DONE!

Hi, and Happy Friday!

If you've been following our 21 Day Sugar Detox (first post here, update here), you may know that we finished on Sunday! We did it! I'm so proud of Spencer and myself for sticking with it, even when it got tough.

The hardest parts were the cravings and how to cope when I didn't prepare well. The foods we could eat almost always required some sort of preparation, so just grabbing a "quick snack" wasn't always an option. We also went over our grocery budget.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Product Review: Orijen Angus Beef Dog Treats

I received a free package of Orijen Angus Beef Dog Treats from in exchange for writing an honest review of the product on my blog. I received no additional compensation in exchange for writing this review, and all opinions are honest and my own (well, and Piper's).

Thursday, August 13, 2015

An Update: 21 Day Sugar Detox

Remember how I am doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox? Well, I'm still going, and am 11 days down. Half way! Wondering how it's going?

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Join me on Camellias and Copper

So, yeah. I'm still training for my half marathon! 

In addition to a few lessons I've learned so far (which you can read here), I thought it might also be helpful for anyone considering starting a training regimen to share some things you should do before you begin. 

You can catch my post "What To Do Before Training For A Half Marathon" over at Camellias and Copper. Enjoy! (and say hello to Michelle while you're there!)

Until next time - - 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Recipe: Guacamole Zucchini Pasta

Welcome back! Hope you've all had a great week.

Today I wanted to share a really simple recipe I made for dinner this week (remember, we are currently on our 21 day sugar detox - post here). It is a great recipe for anyone wanting a light dinner, something healthy, vegetarian, or even vegan! It's also really easy to customize with anything else you want to add - meats, additional vegetables, cheese, you name it.

Monday, August 3, 2015

My 21 Day Sugar Detox

Y'all, it's official. I've lost my mind.

Not only am I totally out of character with my half-marathon training, but now - today - I am starting a 21 Day Sugar Detox (#21DSD). GASP. 

For a simple explanation, here are the Six W's of my sugar detox.