
Monday, June 22, 2015

Motivation and Accountability: My 1st Half Marathon

Hey, strangers! Long time no talk.

Today starts the beginning of a new journey for me. One that will involve willpower, accountability, mental and physical strength, and lots of hydration.

I, my friends, am beginning training for a half-marathon. That's right. 13.1 miles of running. Running from nothing, towards nothing, with nobody chasing me. 

I am not a runner. That's never been a secret to those who know me. I'm not good at it, and I don't enjoy it. But I do envy runners. And I need a goal to work towards regarding my health and fitness. 

As anyone who has ever trained for anything knows, accountability is key. This is why I recruited (aka peer-pressured) my friend Stephanie into being my training buddy. She currently runs a little bit with her husband, but like me, does not enjoy it. 

Our training starts today with 25 minutes of cross-training (I am choosing to bike), and each week is mixed with cross-training, short runs, days of rest, and one day of longer runs. It's a 12 week training regimen, but we thankfully have 5 months before the race in November. Hopefully we can even get through this routine twice!

If you're interested, the two-part plan we are following can be found here.

Please make sure you ask me about my progress, and give me a hard time if I miss a day. I need all of the support and encouragement you can muster! 

Thanks from a non (but wanna-be) runner. <3

Until next time - - 


  1. You can do it!!! There may even be a yard sale at the end:) Kay

    1. Haha! With our track record, I think you're right!

  2. You can do it!!! I did one almost 5 years ago with my daughter. I was not and am not a runner, but I have to say I did enjoy the training and I was very proud of myself!! :) Theresa

    1. That's awesome! Thanks for the encouragement. I hope I enjoy the training as much as you did. I just want to prove to myself that I can do it!!

  3. Oh Yes!!!! This is so fantastic. You can definitely do it! You will feel so accomplished when you are done =). As for training, another thing beyond accountability that is really key is ibuprofen. lol. But seriously, I learned the hard way from several long runs... if you are testing out a longer distance take some ibuprofen before you start, it will really help delay the soreness in your legs and help you push through farther.
    So proud of you!

    1. Thanks girl! Thanks for the tip - I would love to hear any others you have for me! I am starting at the very (very) bottom, so I can only get better, right? :)

  4. Gurrllll. I am so proud of you. I hate working out too, but it's one of those necessary evils right? I am wishing you so much luck and sending lots of good vibes your way!

    1. Thank you!! We will need to be an encouragement to one another for sure. I believe in us! :)

  5. Ah! How exciting Morgan! I am so pumped and proud of you! Hoping that you have the most fun with this :)
    Much love!!

    1. Thanks girl!! I appreciate that so much. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Do unfamiliar routes, preferably trails, and get a little lost, go further. Keeps it fun and exciting. (Worked better before GPS days but just dont refer to it). Pick a halfway destination on long runs and refuse to turn around early, so forced to go full distance. Do hill repeats mid-week.

    1. Such awesome tips!! Thanks so much! I wish you could run with me - you seem like a wonderful motivator!
