
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Guest Post: Sage the Blog (5 Podcasts for Believers)

podcasts for christians

It seems like podcasts have just taken off with the last few years and I have really grown to love them. Instead of turning to music for my workouts, I have been listening to my favorite podcasts more often.
Typically, they are Christian podcasts. I see Christian podcasts as an opportunity to grow my faith and spend time with the Lord while doing what I love (working out). It not only keeps me up to date on current events, but really challenges me to think about things. These are 5 of my favorites:

1. The Influence Podcast. The Influence Network is a community of like-minded women encouraging one another both online and in real life. When I discovered the Influence Podcast I was SO excited. Each episode is an interview with a different creative, blogger, and/or business owner. It's such a cool way to find inspiration and get to know some of the women on the internet I love the most.

2. Redemption's Hill Church. This is a shameless plug for our church's podcast because I honestly think it is one of the bests. I love re-listening to our sermons throughout the week so that I can really take in the message. We preach exegetically and right now we are going through the book of Mark. 

3. In the Room with Ryan Huguley. This is my husband's favorite. The In the Room podcast is put on by Ryan Huguley, a pastor at Redemption Bible Church. Each episode, Ryan interviews a different person. One of my recent favorites was his interview with Amanda Jenkins who wrote "Confessions of a Raging Perfectionist."

4. The Village Church Sermons. Who doesn't love Matt Chandler? I love hearing his sermons, they always teach me something new and put a different spin on things.

5. The BadChristian Podcast.  This one might be a little controversial, but I really enjoy it. This podcast is hosted by the writers at The BadChristian Blog, Matt, Toby, and Joey. They discuss funny, controversial, and personal topics with guests from the music
business (they share awesome music), leaders in the Christian world, and even those from
well outside of the Christian world. This podcast is REAL and REFRESHING.

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  1. Thanks for having me! I hope you enjoyed your vacation!!

    1. Thank YOU! I am just getting into podcasts myself, so this is so great :)
