
Friday, May 8, 2015

Five Reasons I'm Thankful for My Momma

Mother's Day. A day created with the sole purpose of honoring our mothers and for showing them appreciation for all they have done and continue to do for us.

As I have gotten older, I realize that my mom's role in my life has changed many times. As an infant, her role was to care for my basic needs: food, shelter, clothing. As I grew, those needs continued but more were also added: walking, talking, learning numbers and letters. Yet again, getting older added new responsibilities for her: manners, social skills, life skills.

I look at things that I do each day, and I can see her hand in almost everything. When I make food, I can remember times that she stood with me in the kitchen and taught me to crack an egg, to properly "fold" a mixture together, and how to add just enough flour to dough to keep it from sticking. When I shower, I can think back to the time she taught me to shave my legs (Spencer says thanks!). I drive myself to work with the memories of her teaching me to drive as a teenager, and I interact with people each day and can hear her voice in my head reminding me to say "please," "thank you," and "yes ma'am."

I value her more than she knows, and I certainly do not tell enough just what an impact she has made in my life.

Well, Momma, on this Mother's Day I want to share with you five (of many) reasons that I am so grateful for you.

1. You taught me that "stuff" will not make me happy.
We didn't always get everything we wanted or thought, at the time, that we "needed." At the time, it seemed so unfair. In hindsight, however, I am so glad you did not give in to all of our whims and wishes. It taught me, and my sisters, to be grateful for what we were given, to be content with less, and that using our imaginations could be so much more fun than any store-bought toy. That same imagination now helps me both at work and at home! 

2. I learned the value of family.
At a certain age, it seems all teenagers (females in particular) only want to be with their friends. I am sure all three of us were no exception. I am so appreciative, though, that you taught us how valuable our family is in our lives. You have always been close with your family, and have encouraged us to be close with ours, to "hug it out" - as much as we didn't want to - after a fight, and to remember that family is always family - through arguments, hurt feelings, and hard times. And as I get older, I have found that to all be true. My number of close friends has dwindled to a very special handful, and I see now how my family is always there for me, no matter what. 

3. Thanks to you, I can manage my home.
As a kid, it wasn't always fun to have to clean my room, to do a load of laundry, to make my bed, or to do the dishes. I even was jealous when I had friends who never had to do any of these things. I would think "that's not fair, I have to do so much and your parents do it all for you!" I couldn't see that it was actually the best thing you could have done for me. I learned to appreciate the things I had, to care for them and to keep them in good condition. I also was able to transition much more easily when the time came for me to leave home. Unlike others I knew, I could do my own laundry, keep my living spaces clean and tidy, and to be discontent if things were dirty. As I've gotten older and bought my first home, I feel that (for the most part) I can keep it running in an orderly fashion without overwhelming myself. Thank you for a lifetime of preparation for this valuable skill.

4. I inherited your love of cooking.
As you know, I love to cook! I always have. Remember when I would watch Julia Childs on TV (having no idea what she was saying) and then wanting to go into the kitchen and use any and every ingredient I could find to make, well, nothing? I know I got that from you. I loved to sit in the kitchen and watch you make meals - lasagna, chicken casserole, chili, biscuits and gravy, fried chicken...even cinnamon toast! The conversations and the smells - it all is so special to me. You've taught me a lot of your recipes, and I especially value the biscuit bowl and cutter you passed down to me. I will never use anything else. Thanks to this love of cooking, I can keep my husband (and future children) well fed, and love doing it!

5. You have inspired me to be a mother just like you.
More than anything, I am grateful that you have instilled in me the desire to be like you. Being the youngest, I was allowed some special years with you alone while my sisters were at school. I probably remember more of that time than you realize. You were always around to make ordinary days special (front porch picnics, playing in the leaves, and having water gun fights), to foster my passions and creativity, to give plenty of hugs, help us make memories, and to allow us to be kids while also teaching us valuable lessons. I hope that one day when I have children of my own, that I can be as great of a mother to them as you have been to us. 

Momma, as I've gotten older, I've watched our relationship turn into more of a friendship, and it takes a special mom to be able to let go of her "baby" and accept her as a friend when she grows up. Thank you for allowing me to grow up, and for allowing that process to take place. I hope you know just how much I love you!

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Morgs, this is so sweet and it touched my heart! Now that we have been blessed with Colin in our lives, I have a new respect for my mom. I can honestly understand the love that she has for me. Mother's Day is such a special day and I am glad to now be a part of it. -Casey

    1. Thank you, dear! I am sure that sweet boy has been able to really change your perspective on things. Pretty soon he will be thanking you for all of the same things! <3 Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. My dearest baby girl. I believe that thie coughing spell that just woke me me at 4:15 a.m. was God's plan. As I lay here in my childhood bedroom, I weep with with pride after reading your beautiful words that i always feel so undesering of....God blessed my life with te absolulutely without a doubt best three best gifts life had to offer. I have always contended that I wold never go back in time and relive my youth, however if I could go back....I would with no quiestion relive the time that I was a young mom, and my girls had daily need of me....I do not know a Mother who wiould not try to do it better....who would not try to hug more...laugh more....pray darling baby girls....Happy Mother's Day to each of you...for withot you...I couldn't have this beautiful title. It is finer that all the royal names on earth. I cherish each year I am able to wear the banner. Morgan, your word tribute is priceless! Thank you!

    1. You did a wonderful job raising us, and we are all so grateful for you! I love you very, very much!
