
Friday, May 1, 2015

DIY: Refurbished Front Porch Light

So, two years ago (almost to the day), Spencer and I purchased our first home. It was super exciting to have a place to play around with paint and decor! The possibilities of projects around the house made my head spin (in a good way), and it seems that once one project is complete, another takes its place. Can you relate (please, tell me I'm not the only one...)?

Well, one of these projects that I swore I would take care of ASAP, just got finished. As in, this past weekend. 

The front porch light.

It was white plastic, and I'm sure was original to the home. It was dirty (I know, I could have cleaned it), and finally the bulb burned out. Well, instead of replacing the bulb, I used it as motivation to get this little project done. It only took another two months after that :) . Better late than never, right?

This is the poor little guy we started with. So sad. Womp, womp...

 Gross, right???

Well, my sister-in-law gave me the front porch light from her old house. It is MUCH better, but being brass, just didn't match.

 So, like any thrifty DIY-er would do, I dug up some spray paint from the garage cabinet, paint-taped (is that a verb?) that snot out of it, and got to spraying! But, um, problem. Because there always has to be a problem. My brain was on vacation that day, and I forgot to tape off a very important part. The open bottom. Duh. So when I began spraying...yep, you guessed it. I sprayed the entire INSIDE of the glass. Just keepin' it real, y'all.

Nothing that a little (or a crap-ton - I know, also not a real adjective. Just work with me) elbow grease can't get off. I used a Brillo pad and kept right on rolling, pretending it never happened.

Finally, I helped my handy (and handsome) hubby install it. And by "help," I mean I stood at the bottom of the ladder and took pictures. You're welcome, babe.

And, voila! Much better, no?

What DIY projects do you keep putting off?

Until next time - - 


  1. Wow, it looks great! Good job on the makeover!

  2. Very very cute! Pinned to take on the project later! :)

    1. Thanks, Kelli!! I'd love to see some pics if you get around to doing one, too :)

  3. That is always my job when we work on a part of our house--hold the (ladder, cord, etc) and take pictures. Also I go get stuff. I'm awesome at getting stuff and bringing it back. (Too much sarcasm? Haha). Anyway, I LOVE the new light! It looks so good!!

  4. I am not certain if I am doing this correctly. It is my third attempt to respond. Your light is a wonderful addition to your front porch and to your "Yellow Door". I love it and you!

  5. Was this the same light you picked out when I was with you?? You did an awesome job!! And kudos to Spencer for helping you! (Mom's violent made me laugh!) love you!

    1. Nope, I returned that one. This light was given to me by Courtney (you may have missed that part in the post). Mom's violent?????
