
Monday, April 13, 2015

Sponsor Q&A with Love the Here and Now

Happy Monday!

Did you know I have a Sunshine Sponsor this month? Well, I do! And it's not just anyone - 

It's Anne from Love the Here and Now! If you aren't yet familiar with her blog, then (1) where have you been and (2) get your booty over there and check it out!

Anne is a blogger I've looked up to since I started this little hobby of mine, and has really helped me learn the ropes!

Get to know Anne a little better by checking out her answers to my random questions.  :)

YDD: Who in your life do you most admire? Why?
LHNMy mom!  She is the most self-less person I know.  I can count on her for, honesty, encouragement, help, and a laugh.  I grew up without any extended family around us.  I know it was hard to be away from her family but she made the most of all of our holidays and birthdays.  She has become the type of grandparent that she always wished we had had growing up...present at everything and so involved in their day to day lives.  She's a blessing to our family.

YDD: Name one new skill you'd like to learn.

LHNI would love to learn web design!  I would love to be able to create anything I wanted on my blog and develop new blog themes.  I think that type of creativity is wonderful.

YDD: What is your all-time favorite book?

LHNMy all time favorite book is My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. 

YDD: Do you have any siblings?

LHNI have 2 older brothers.  Not only am I the "baby" of the family but I'm also the only girl, a double whammy! 

YDD: Chocolate or Vanilla?

LHNChocolate...always chocolate!  

YDD: If you could meet up with anyone for coffee, living or deceased, who would it be?

LHNOh gosh...tough question.....How do you choose one person? Hmmm.....I would say my dad's mom.  She passed away when he was in high school.  I would love to meet the woman who raised my father.

YDD: Describe your perfect Saturday.

LHNMy perfect Saturday could be described in one word: lazy.  I would lounge throughout the morning and linger over cups of tea.  I would head out to lunch with my family and catch up over a leisurely lunch.  In the evening I would love to have our friends and their families over to relax and hangout.  The kids would be entertained and the adults could catch up over drinks and laughter.

YDD: What was your first email address or screen name?

LHNI am boring...never had a screen name.  Email always has been a variation of my name.  <yawn>

YDD: Name one item you carry with you everywhere, all the time.

LHNSad but cell phone.  If I leave home without it I feel a sense of can my daughters get ahold of me if they need me?  What if I get in an accident and need to call for help?  I forgot what it feels like to be detached from technology.  My phone has become an adult version of a security blanket.
(Ha! Same here!)

YDD: Do you have a guilty pleasure? If so, what?

LHNGuilty pleasures...oh...I have a few....buying new fonts, notebooks and journals, and my new one?  Buying stylized stock photos to use for blog graphics.  Don't judge me.  ;)

YDD: Why do you blog?

LHNIf you had asked me when I first started I would have said to share my life and to create a journal of sorts for myself and daughters.  The longer I have blogged though my answer has evolved.  I still blog for that reason but for so many other reasons as well.  The blogging community is wonderful so I blog to be a part of that and to nurture my online friendships.  The creativity aspect is amazing so I blog to flex those creative muscles that I rarely used before.  The learning curve is huge so I blog to educate myself and to teach myself new skills.   Blogging has given me self-confidence.  It truly has been such a gift. 

Thanks, Anne! Don't you just love her?  Go say hello! Visit Love the Here and Now.

Until next time - - 

1 comment:

  1. I want to learn web design too! Let's learn together.
