
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Big News from Rachel...

Do you know Rachel from Our Yellow Door? Well - the news is finally out! 

Drum roll please....

She now has a gorgeous, brand-spanking new site: 

Rachel Nordgren

Rachel and I originally connected on Twitter, when we realized we both had blogs about our yellow doors - how funny is that!? Well, pretty soon we were tweeting back and forth, and I fell in love with her sweet blog. She is fun, down to earth, and a great writer. If you don't know Rachel yet, you are totally missing out!

Her new site, Rachel Nordgren, is stunning! I think it captures her personality perfectly, and it's obvious how much time and effort went into creating this gem. The site itself is lovely, yet simple - just like Rachel! She loves to write about simplicity and uncomplicating things. In fact, she has a series called Simplified Series where she shares awesome tips (and I feel pretty confident in saying we all could use help in this department)!

I'm so excited for you, Rachel, and look forward to keeping up on your brand new, beautiful site! 

Go say hello, check out the site, and follow her blog!

PS: Did you see Monday's post and take a guess which option was a lie? WELL - the lie is #1!

I never got suspended - I hate (and always have) getting into trouble. Suspension would have killed me! But yes, I used to sleep outside of my family members' bedroom doors (I don't know why), and I do always check behind shower curtains. Too many scary movies, maybe!?

Until next time - -