
Monday, February 9, 2015

Wedding Dance

Happy Valentine's Week!

During the month of February, there never seems to be a lack of flowers, chocolates, and all things Valentines Day. Personally, I have always been a fan of Valentine's Day, whether or not I was in a relationship. I just think it's a great reminder to do something special for someone you love, and to let those close to you know how much they mean to you. Of course, this should be done year-round, but if we're honest, we just don't let those special people know how dear they are often enough.

In the spirit of February and love, I am using one of Anne's (Love the Here and Now) blogging prompts this morning from this post: What was your wedding song?

The song Spencer and I danced to at our wedding is the Michael Buble version of "Crazy Love." It was short, up-beat, not too sappy, and well known enough to be able to be requested when we are out on the town. We love Michael Buble, his voice and style, so after eliminating some other options, the choice wasn't very hard. We've since requested it at a couple of weddings, and when we were out dancing last New Year's Eve. It's fun to have "a song," and even better when it's a song as timeless as Crazy Love. And besides, Michael Buble is just a stud. 

What songs are special to you, and why?


  1. we also had a Michael Bublé song for our wedding! He has such a gorgeous voice :)

    1. You're kidding! He really does have such an amazing voice - wonderful talent! What was y'all's song?

  2. Michael Buble...good choice. :) We had a Rascall Flatts song for ours.

  3. Awww! We didn't have any dancing at our wedding (it was more of a BBQ, beer, and cornhole at my parents' house after the ceremony thing), but I did get to pick to all of the music that we played inside/outside. So, "our song" is "Hung the Moon" by Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors and we had lyrics from "I Like You" by Ben Rector printed on a huge poster as our guest book. People signed all around the lyrics. My favorite part is "life is not the mountain tops, it's the walking in between / and I like you walking next to me" I thought that was perfect for our wedding and really describes our lives right now.
    I still play our wedding playlist around the house all of the time!

    1. That sounds so fun! Do you have a post on your wedding? I'd love to read it! LOVE the guest book idea. That is so clever and special. Do you have it hung in your house?

      And yes, that is a beautiful lyric and very perfect for your battle! <3

  4. Awww! We didn't have any dancing at our wedding (it was more of a BBQ, beer, and cornhole at my parents' house after the ceremony thing), but I did get to pick to all of the music that we played inside/outside. So, "our song" is "Hung the Moon" by Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors and we had lyrics from "I Like You" by Ben Rector printed on a huge poster as our guest book. People signed all around the lyrics. My favorite part is "life is not the mountain tops, it's the walking in between / and I like you walking next to me" I thought that was perfect for our wedding and really describes our lives right now.
    I still play our wedding playlist around the house all of the time!

  5. Great song to choose! I do not have a song yet however we did not have out wedding yet! Soon and will need to pick out a song, very cute to have one! Thanks!

    1. How fun! Congratulations :) Picking a song is so fun, but it can be hard! There are so many great choices. I know y'all will choose the perfect one, and it will be so special!

  6. Super cute!
    Our wedding song was actually written and performed by a friend of ours. I love that it's unique and truly "our song."

    1. I love that!!! What's the name of it? My husband was writing a song for the very same reason, but the music wasn't finished in time for our wedding :) So special!
