
Monday, January 26, 2015

The Liebster Award!

Happy Monday, friends!

I'm honored to announce that have received my first blog award! Alexis from A Blissful Haven nominated me for the Liebster Award, which is an award for bloggers with less than 200 followers by other bloggers. Thanks, Alexis!

I'm honored that anyone even reads this little 'ol blog, let alone would nominate me for an award! I'm approaching my 4 month "blog-iversary" and am excited to see where I am in 4 more months!

Now for the award rules:

I'll be doing this a little out of the order listed in the rules, but it's all there.

First, I will answer the questions from Alexis...

1.  Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because I felt I needed some sort of hobby that would allow me to be creative, as well as to find a community of people who had similar interests. The communities I already find myself involved with have been so wonderful! 

2.  If you could be a character from a TV show who would it be?  Why?

Hmm. Probably Lady Mary Crawley from Downton Abbey. I am so intrigued by that time period, and her clothes are beautiful. But I'd like to think I wouldn't make so many mistakes and poor life decisions, haha.

3.  What is your favorite flower?

I love peonies and hydrangeas. I had both in my wedding bouquet and it was beautiful! If only me and my black thumb could grow them.

4.  Where is your favorite place to blog?

My "office" at home. It's basically a sofa table with a chair and a lamp in my living room.

5.  What is your favorite thing to make?

Probably any type of meal. I love to cook!

6.  What is your style and what is your favorite thing to wear?

I'd say my style is pretty classic. I like neutral colors and earth tones, and a good pair of jeans and boots. On a weekend, though, you'll likely find me in leggings and a long cardigan!

7.  If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Definitely Italy...which we are doing this May! I am so, so excited!

8.  Describe the best evening ever.

Ooh, tough one. Since I'm a homebody, I'd have to say a night in with my favorite guy, my husband Spencer. I love when we cook together, so we would make dinner (he would do the dishes, of course), and play a board game with a bottle of red wine. Sounds pretty nice to me!

9.  What is your secret obsession?

Secret obsession? Hmm. For lack of a better, more juicy option (maybe I'm just boring), I'd say "Old Hollywood." Sometimes I will find myself in a Wikipedia rabbit hole, just reading about old celebrities, their romances, and the homes they lived in. One link leads to another and bam, lots of time wasted haha.

10.  What do you do to relax?

I love to read a really good book that I don't have to think too much about. If I can do that in a bubble bath with a glass of wine (is there a wine-theme here?), that's even better! If the weather is nice, I'll also go lay in Spencer's hammock and enjoy the sunshine.

11.  What is your dream career?

I ask myself this all the time - I don't really have an answer! I suppose it would be something that would allow me to be creative, but to also have a flexible schedule, and maybe work at home from time to time. 


Eleven Random Facts About Me:

  1. My birthday is Dec. 28th. I've never minded having a birthday so close to Christmas, except that the rest of the year is a little boring because all of the fun is crammed in at once.
  2. I'm the youngest daughter of 6 girls...and I have 2 sisters and 3 step-sisters!
  3. My ring size and my shoe size are the same: 6.5
  4. I have to sleep with a small fan. Not for the breeze, but for the noise. Mine faces the wall, and is on its last leg!
  5. I would rather have a night in with a handful of friends than to go out to a bar. Bar + 5'1" gal = no fun
  6. This year I will celebrate my 5 year anniversary at my full-time job. It was my first job out of college, and I can't believe it's already been 5 years!
  7. I am horrible about keeping in touch with people. It's not for lack of caring, it's just something I am bad about!
  8. My favorite book of all time is Gone With the Wind. If you haven't read it, do it. It's long, but so wonderful.
  9. I have more of a "salt-tooth" than I do a "sweet-tooth." Potato chips and popcorn, all day.
  10. My biggest fear is losing someone I love in a car accident.
  11. I am a grateful to serve a Lord who pours out so much love and forgiveness! I'm a sinner in need of it often.


I am excited to nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Award. If you don't already, you have to go check out their blogs and hook up with them on social media. They're all wonderful, kind people that you will love getting to know!

Ok, nominees - congratulations! Here are your 11 questions. I look forward to reading your answers!

  1. Who in your life do you most admire? Why?
  2. Name one new skill you'd like to learn.
  3. What is your all-time favorite book?
  4. Do you have any siblings?
  5. Chocolate or Vanilla?
  6. If you could meet up with anyone for coffee, living or deceased, who would it be?
  7. Describe your perfect Saturday.
  8. What was your first email address or screen name?
  9. Name one item you carry with you everywhere, all the time.
  10. Do you have a guilty pleasure? If so, what?
  11. Why do you blog?

Thanks for reading along, and for connecting with these other amazing bloggers. :)

Until next time - - 


  1. You're welcome, Morgan! I love how your facts all deal with wine...everything is better with wine! I am also terrible about keeping in touch with people. It's not because I don't want to (or care) but I just get overwhelmed

    1. Haha I didn't catch on to that until I read back through it! And even in modern day, with all of the technology to keep us all connected, I'm terrible at staying in touch. Not a good quality! I need to work on that... :)

  2. Congrats! 1.) You are indeed a great cook! 2.) your fan is def on it's last leg! However, it's better than what my mom uses- a VERY old humidifier with no water.

    1. Hey thanks! :) And yes, it will soon be time to replace Old Faithful. Last night it started going about 8 minutes after I turned it on, hahaha.

  3. thanks for the nomination! you are so sweet :) and congrats on getting nominated after only 4 months of blogging--you're so impressive! should i answer these 11 questions? or did you have others? :)

  4. haha, i'm dumb. i see the questions. i'll be posting them (hopefully!) by saturday!!

  5. Thanks for your nomination! :) I'm excited to see how our blogs grow. I posted mine today.
