
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Well, here goes nothing!


After a long time of thinking and talking about it, I'm finally starting my blog.  I've felt the need for awhile to find a creative outlet for myself where I can share things I'm doing, as well as a way to connect with others who motivate and inspire me. I am a long time blog reader, and have enjoyed following many others' projects and lives. Some I've followed so long, I almost feel like I am friends with them! I hope that this is a place where others can find similar inspiration and connections. 

If you're curious how the name Yellow Door Diaries came to be, you can find out here.

I'll leave you with the image of my inspriation...our front door (be patient with me and my photography. I hope that as I practice, the pictures will improve! So, thanks for not making fun of me to my face). 

Also, I'd be remiss not to give a shout-out and HUGE thanks to Ashley with The Grits Blog for designing the lovely blog you see before you. Through her work, I found the last bit of confidence I needed to get this off the ground. So thanks, Ash!

Please visit often, make yourselves at home, and feel free to connect with me through email or social media!  

Until next time - - 

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